12 Signs You May Be Experiencing Healers Burnout

The world is changing at an incredible rate and there is an urgent need for healers to share their gifts and to help bring much needed healing to people and the planet.

Many people in our community are following the call of their soul, to be a ‘healer’.

Whether in the role of a mother, naturopath, acupuncturist, energy worker or corporate employee – healers and the work they do have never been more important or more necessary.

Unfortunately, all too often, people with a heart to help others find themselves tired and overwhelmed, eventually becoming exhausted and unable to carry on with their important work.

This usually happens because healers are empaths by nature. They are sensitive to other people’s emotions, thoughts and energies as well as their environment and the world as a whole. This is what draws them to walk the path of the healer in the first place.

They can easily take on other people’s energies and become swamped by the needs of others. Even with the best of intentions, healers can get burned out, making them unable to do what they have come here to do.

If you have heard the call of your soul to be a Healer, it is absolutely critical that you remain vital and do not compromise your own wellbeing so you can help more people and fulfil your destiny as a healer.

This way our world can benefit from your unique gifts and the unique contribution you are here to make.

Below I have listed some ways in which healers can experience burnout.



  1. You are questioning why you are doing the work you are doing and feel as if you have lost touch with your sense of purpose
  2. You are feeling swamped by other people’s processes and it feels as if negative energy is clinging to you
  3. You are feeling exhausted because you aren’t taking proper care of yourself and are putting everybody else’s needs ahead of your own
  4. You are feeling overly sensitive to external stimuli and the energy of others. You feel drained and your batteries need recharging
  5. You are feeling emotionally triggered by your clients or the people around you
  6. You are finding it difficult to set and maintain clear and healthy physical, emotional or mental boundaries
  7. You are not honoring your uniqueness and are not using your gifts as a force for good
  8. You are unable to tap into your psychic senses at will
  9. You have sense you may have been impacted by other people’s negative thoughts or projections
  10. You feel stuck because you cannot let go of the patterns, relationships, people, places and things that no longer serve you. It may also feels as if outworn relationships are draining your energy
  11. You are struggling to remain objective and neutral and feel pulled into other people’s dramas
  12. You know deep down that your connection to your soul and spirit could be stronger



In the old cultural traditions, healers held a special status in the community and were very respected.

They held this status because they possessed two vital skills. One was that they had the necessary skills or abilities to help facilitate healing for others. The other was that they had acquired the special soul skills, qualities and disciplines that enabled them to assist others without losing or compromising their own vitality and wellbeing.

They had passed through the 12 rites of passage to acquire, develop and master the 12 soul skills of the healer. These 12 soul skills enabled the healer to strengthen their connection to their soul and avoid healer’s burnout.

For the first time in over 1500 years the ancient pathway of the healer is fully open and can be now traversed with all its original rites of passage and initiatory consciousness enhancing features intact.

This sacred ancient pathway of the healer is the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program available exclusively through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®.

It is for those who have heard the sacred call of the healer. The call to heal themselves and to help others.

If you want to live your destiny as a time-honoured healer without burning out, I encourage you to enrol into Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program – the next program begins on the next New Moon.

I look forward to seeing you there…

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

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