15-18 November 2013 – The 7th Medicine Woman Residential Workshop, Retreat and Annual Gathering

Join Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber Medicine Woman and master Shamaness for an 3 day magical residential workshop and gathering at the breathtaking Tauhara Retreat Centre, Acacia Bay, Taupo New Zealand.

Course content includes:

  • Shamanic Journeying – Participants will experience working with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® teacher plants of the Healers, Shamanic and Orchid families under supervision and in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Finding Your Wounded Healer – An astrological component where attendees will be working with their own astrological chart, which will be provided for them. 
We will be focusing on the individual astrological charts from an esoteric perspective to give attendees an introduction to the astrology of the soul and spirit.
  • Advanced Shamanic Healing Techniques – Including Extractions, Entities and Artificial Elementals.
  • The Art of Ceremony, Ritual and Magic – Gaining deeper understanding of using the Medicine Woman Nature’s Spell Boxes, Plant Spells, Potions and Creams.
  • Oracle Readings – Working in the way of the ancient people – Fairy people for assistance.
  • Sweat Lodge – Participants also have the unique opportunity to participate in a traditional and powerful Sweat Lodge. (Limited numbers and additional costs apply. See more information below.)
  • Other topics covered – (1) Seeds of Light – Working with different qualities of light for individuation and (2) Working magically with the breath and sacred mountains.


We are pleased to announce that a sweat lodge will be available to a limited number of participants at the annual three day Medicine Woman Residential Retreat and Workshop at Tauhara, Taupo New Zealand on the 15, 16, 17 18 November 2013. Additional cost apply.

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