8-10 November 2019 – THE GRAND FINALE: The 13th Medicine Woman Workshop, Retreat and Annual Gathering


SPEAKER:Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
DATE:Friday 8th to Sunday 10th November 2018
TIME:Friday 7.00pm to Sunday 4.00pm
THEME:The Return of the Healing Priests and Priestesses
WORKSHOP COST:NZ$595.00 Includes materials required for workshop. Accommodation and food additional.


Discover the ancient lineage teachings on healing from the House of the Bee, the most ancient mystery school on the planet.

This is a not to be missed, once only event. A powerful fully experiential weekend of teaching, healing, wholeness, regeneration and restoration.

This workshop is a once-only event. It offers a remarkable and rare opportunity to receive the original ancient mystery teachings in person directly from the High Priestess of the House of the Bee, master alchemist, spiritual teacher, the keeper of the sacred ceremonies and an award-winning vibrational medicine expert, Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.

You will be transported into the magical realm of unlimited possibilities and infinite potential.

What you will experience over the weekend:

  • Learn about the secrets held in the ancient healing temples of Egypt
  • Discover the sacred teachings from the heart of the cosmos
  • Respond to the call for the return of the healing priests and priestesses
  • Discover how quantum physics, healing and magic are inseparably connected
  • Learn how to live practically in a spiritual world
  • Discover the occult secrets of love, sex and relationship
  • Learn how to return to a state of cosmic grace
  • Access the power to change the past
  • And much, much more

The Grand Finale!

The 13th Medicine Woman Workshop Retreat and Annual Gathering 2019 is the grand finale of the magical ‘Tauhara workings’ which was a 12-year long magical rite that now culminates at this 13th Medicine Woman Workshop Retreat and Annual Gathering. The magical ‘Tauhara workings’ have been the conclusion and flowering of the Rites of Isis conducted in Paris in 1898 by MacGregor and Moina Mathers.

Closing the cycle

The 13th Medicine Woman Workshop Retreat and Annual Gathering will close the cycle on the ‘Tauhara workings’ and everything necessary will then be in place for the return of the healing priests and priestesses. I will be sharing with you details of the journey of the healing priests and priestesses so you can learn about the pathway they walked and the skills they acquired to enable them to fulfill their sacred role.

It is time to return

It is now time for the healing temple priests and priestesses to return and take up the work that made them legendary in the healing temples of ancient Egypt and Greece. The number 13 used in association with the Goddess is the number of completion brought about through directing and controlling the forces of change.

Blessings from the Goddess

From time immemorial there has always been a special blessing given out by the Goddess to those who have helped bring a cycle of her work to completion. In accordance with ancient tradition, this blessing will be given out at The 13th Medicine Woman Workshop Retreat and Annual Gathering 2019 to formally acknowledge those who have helped with the work and to carry the work and those who support it forward into a whole new cycle. A cycle where we are empowered to ride the winds of change.

The way forward

I hope you will be able to join us as I will be speaking in depth about a way forward and a way to bring healing to the nations. I will be giving out for the first time in a semi-public form teachings on healing the split with the cosmos that is the root cause of all human pain and suffering. This is the secret knowledge held in the healing temples of ancient Egypt and later in the healing temples of ancient Greece that has now been recontextualised to meet 21st-century requirements and application.

An inspiring and life transforming weekend with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. Join us for this fully experiential residential workshop and life changing experience.

The residential workshop is suitable for men and women open to the power of true relationship with the metaphysical realm, self and the power of the cosmos.

You will receive your Medicine Woman Residential Workshop, Retreat and Annual Gathering 2019 Certificate of Attendance at the end of the workshop at Tauhara.

Numbers are limited. Book early to avoid disappointment.

Please note: The event is available to any person wishing to enrol, however Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® reserves the right to decline an enrolment or refuse workshop entry to any person at its discretion and without explanation.

About the Speaker

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber is a spiritual teacher, master alchemist, ritual shamaness and high priestess of the House of the Bee. She is the spiritual director and principal of the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® the mystery school of the Goddess. Franchelle is the creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® and creator of Eighth Ray Magic®. An award winning vibrational medicine expert, she is the author of the Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Vol 1 and the book Eighth Ray Magic – The Magic of the Goddess The Magic of Co-creation.

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