Healer Series

Sit in My Medicine Circle – Receive Shamanic Wisdom

In my role as High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School®, one of my responsibilities is to disseminate the sacred teachings associated with my lineage.  These lineage teachings consist of 12 sacred strands of knowledge that come down this line since the beginning of time. They include the secrets of shamanism, healing, ritual, […]

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Your High Sensitivity Is Your Superpower – Use It!

Did you know that your high sensitivity is one of your superpowers? Your gift of high sensitivity enables you to hear, see, sense and feel what exists in true reality, the reality beyond the three-dimensional world of physical senses. With your supersensory superpower you can: More easily navigate the challenges of the physical world with

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Energetic Protection and the Art of Being Invisible

Traditionally, a very important aspect of the apprentice healer’s training was learning how to develop the soul quality, discipline and art of creating powerful energetic protection for themselves at will. BECOMING ENERGETICALLY INVISIBLE In ancient traditions of the healer-shaman, the skill of energetic self-protection was also seen to be as the art of becoming energetically

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Then and Now: Access to True Mystery School Teachings

In ancient times, those who followed their spiritual calling, went through many physical, and often life-threatening, trials and tribulations in order to gain and be granted access to true mystery school teachings. FACING CHALLENGES, TESTS AND TRIALS They had to climb high mountains, cross raging rivers and face numerous physically challenging situations. Those who followed their

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The Healing Hive and a Healing ‘Hum’

Did you know that in our Medicine Woman school, you have a unique opportunity to be part of the Healing Hive? The Healing Hive is a specially dedicated sacred space in our online school where each student can participate in and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’. From an esoteric point of view, the

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The 12 Essential Skills of the Healer That Can Prevent ‘Healers’ Burnout

As I have mentioned before in my newsletters, articles and videos, what causes so many healers and empaths to feel overwhelmed, tired, exhausted and eventually burnt out is their special innate sensitivity to other people’s feelings, thoughts and energies. In this article I am sharing with you the 12 common signs that, if left unaddressed lead healers and empaths to

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Tap into the Magic of the Moon

MOON PHASES AND INNER TRANSFORMATION, TRANSMUTATION AND TRANSCENDENCE Moon phases and their associated powers have been used in mystery school teachings for centuries and when worked with skilfully and intelligently, they can help us to access deeper levels of spiritual power. Moon phases act as our guides for inner transformation and personal growth, and they are vital

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A Lifelong Road Map For The Soul

From ancient to modern times an awareness of the human soul has been an integral part of humankind’s history. For aeons, core essential elements of the soul’s epic and heroic journey have been portrayed in the myths, fables, children’s fairy stories, folk tales and songs. The powerful wisdom embedded within the stories of the soul

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The Twelve Ancient Soul Skills of the Healer

In the modern day, burnout, lack of support and overwhelm cause many gifted healers, helpers and carers to leave the professions that they love. This has potentially very damaging effects on communities and society in general, as healers, carers, coaches, therapists, health professionals and all those who have heard the call to assist others are

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Maintain Your Energetic Integrity and Increase Your Healing Power

Now more than ever the world needs healers and practitioners. The biggest challenge for the healer today, is to be able to powerfully assist others and maintain their own energetic integrity and holistic wellbeing, whilst they themselves, are surrounded by change and uncertainty. In ancient traditions, the apprentice healer was taught that in order to

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How Ancient Healers Avoided Healer Burnout

Healer burnout is a very real and very common issue for modern-day healers. Healer burnout refers to a healer, therapist or practitioner being unable to properly carry out their work helping others due to exhaustion, fatigue and a range of other problems affecting their energy, vitality and health. It is often the result of the healer’s

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The 5 Superhuman Abilities that the Ancient Healers Had

‘Women’s intuition’ is a well-recognised mysterious power that enables her to ‘know’ what is going on even when there is no clear or physical evidence to back up her feelings. In popular culture we have the archetypal ‘offbeat’ detective, who operates on ‘hunches’ and always solves the case. This skill, which is a metaphysical intuitive sense

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