
A greater sense of empowerment 

“When I set foot on the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©apprenticeship program, I had little idea of just how much this journey would change my life… for the better! Working under the wise tutelage of the venerable shamanic teacher plants and through the well-structured program provided by the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic Studies® was […]

A greater sense of empowerment  Read More »

I am awake in a way I have never been before

“I enrolled into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program because I heard a calling to learn shamanism after a dark night of my soul.  I found Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® and I considered it greatly before enrolling.  As a result of undertaking this program, I am awake in a

I am awake in a way I have never been before Read More »

From fearful and logical into joyful and magical

“The Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program was a magical experience from day one. As this magic unfolded with synchronicities and unexpected events all along, my response to the challenges of life gradually became more spontaneous. This program has transformed my relationship to life from the fearful, logical into the joyful, magical in

From fearful and logical into joyful and magical Read More »

Clarity, resolution and drive have occurred

“Completing the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program has been a very powerful experience. Working so consistently with the master teacher plants has taught me to appreciate the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle!) way these master teacher plant essences can interact at a spiritual, energetic and physical level. At the end of

Clarity, resolution and drive have occurred Read More »

A range of skills that are applicable in my daily life

“The skills and knowledge I’ve gained from the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program have become invaluable to me in daily life. I have a new-found awareness of how all living things are energetically connected and how by changing my energy creates a flow-on effect in my reality and beyond. 

A range of skills that are applicable in my daily life Read More »

I now have more energy, confidence and I became more creative with my gifts

“Doing the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program helped me recognise myself as a healer and to stop seeing myself as separate from healers or healing. I saw myself that way even though I was a qualified health professional at the time.  It helped me develop confidence in my abilities, and I was able

I now have more energy, confidence and I became more creative with my gifts Read More »

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