Co-Creatively Ride the Winds of Change

The first month of the year carries powerful pioneering and initiating energies that set the tone and the direction for the next 12 months. It is no surprise many people find this time of year to be very conducive to setting personal resolutions and goals.

While you may have already taken the time to set some goals for the year, I want to invite you to take a few moments to identify where you want to be spiritually.


Below are what I consider to be 3 important spiritual skills and capacities that can help you to avoid being swept up by the chaos and confusion that is so prevalent in the world today.

Focusing on developing and mastering these vital inner skills will ensure you are able to positively, powerfully and co-creatively ride the winds of change in 2023 and beyond.


The fewer impediments, blocks and limitations we have in our consciousness the easier it becomes to receive a steady flow of spiritual guidance in our life.

We can then see beyond the falsity, deception, misinformation and confusion that surround us on a daily basis. We can make powerful personal choices that support our growth, wellbeing and happiness.

We can gain intuitive insights into situations and feel confident in our ability to be in the right place at the right time. We can experience the vital magical synchronicities of life.

Recommended program: Whether your feet are already firmly set on a spiritual path or you are just starting to discover you have a connection to spirit, I invite you to consider undertaking the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© online program this year.

It is a 28-week intensive energetic upgrade and self-purification program that facilitates accelerated spiritual progress and profound shifts in consciousness. It invites spirit into your life and can strengthen and deepen that connection. Click here to learn more and to enrol


With the ever increasing extremes of human behaviors and opinions that are running rampant everywhere today, maintaining your energetic integrity and equilibrium so you can stay in your power centre is paramount for your own wellbeing and to be of assistance to others.

To be able to stay in our power centre, the soul and spirit must be running our life. For as long as our personality, with its changing moods, opinions, likes and dislikes, is running the life, we are controlled by its vagaries and inconsistencies.

Connection with our soul puts us firmly in charge of our own life and our destiny. It is from this place of connection with our soul that we can live an effective and successful life and be able to be of assistance to others around us. 

Recommended program:

If you would like to strengthen your connection with your soul and learn how to maintain your equilibrium in any situation, I invite you to consider enrolling into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© online program.

In this program you will be working with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 12 healers teacher plant essences to help you form and sustain connection with your soul. You will learn to how to access you inner wisdom and stay in your own power centre in the face of adversity. You will also learn how to not take on ‘other people’s stuff’ so you can follow your own unique destiny no matter what is happening around you.

Click here to learn more and to enrol



It is only when we are able to face and overcome our own fears that we can genuinely become a spiritual hero. A spiritual hero emerges victorious from every any and every situation. They tell a heroic story of facing the trials, tribulations and adversities of their life and of overcoming the odds.

They refuse to feel defeated or victimised and always emerge empowered.

Recommended program:

If you would like to develop the capacity to face and overcome your own fears so you can become the spiritual hero of your own life, I invite you to consider enrolling into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© online program.

In this program you will be working with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 24 shamanic teacher plant essences to help you create powerful connections with spirit, your power animals and spirit guides to assist you on your journey of self-transformation. You will learn how to emerge renewed and exponentially grow in power. You will learn how to overcome negative forces, work with higher orders of spiritual realities and actively stand for the sacred and the powers of light.

Click here to learn more and to enrol

If you would like more information about this program, you can send a message to [email protected] and one of my team will be in touch to assist you.

May every day be a magical day for you.

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

Experience an Intensive Energetic Upgrade, Purification and Profound Shifts in Consciousness


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