Over the past several years we have seen a sharp increase in frequency and magnitude of natural disasters all around the world.
To the trained shaman droughts, crop failures, too much rain, destructive storms and chaotic weather patterns as well as sickness in people and animals are not random occurrences without a cause. To the shaman absolutely everything has a cause that produces an effect.
The imbalances in nature, people and animals can come about when the spirits of the land and the natural world have not been listened to, respected and have not been co-operated with.
As a consequence the needs and requirements of the land have not been honoured, responded to or met and harmony between all things has not been maintained.
Communication with the spirits of the land and nature is a primary component of the work of the shaman who acts in their sacred role as an eco-warrior. Being able to listen to the spirits of the land enables the shaman to know what needs to be done to restore and maintain order and harmony between all things.
By doing so, the shaman is quite literally acting to restore balance and harmony in the world.
Acquiring the skills, capacities and necessary abilities to act as a shamanic eco-warrior is what students can learn to do during the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies® program.
If you are feeling a call to work in this way to help the Earth, the people and the animals, then I invite you to enrol into the next intake of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies®
Light in Extension,
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®