Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, founder and spiritual director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® presents a free webinar.

Join healers from all over the world including New Zealand, Australia, Japan, UK, Canada, USA, Czech Republic, Russia and many more countries who have registered for The Healer’s Path free webinar with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.

We are excited to see you are ready to take your work to a whole new level during this critical time where the new and better world will take all of us to create.

Herbalists, nurses, naturopaths, hypnotherapists, flower essence practitioners, teachers, coaches, yoga teachers, energy healers and many others…

In this free webinar for healers Avoid ‘Healer’s Burnout’: Why Healers Who Have These 12 Soul Skills Avoid ‘Healer’s Burnout’ without spending money on expensive self-care treatments, taking time out, unplugging from the world, or reducing the number of clients they are working with’ you will discover:

  1. Why most healers burnout between 3rd and 7th year of their career even when they really love what they do, and how you can avoid falling into that trap
  2. The secret powers ancient healers had that will help you to activate your hidden spiritual powers so you can stop depleting your own energy
  3. The deeper meaning of the time we are living in and exactly how you can step into your destiny at this critical time

Discover how New Zealand native teacher plants can help you become the healer you have always wanted to be, even if you are not helping as many people and having the impact you want to have.


We cannot wait to see you do your unique work out in the world!

Register for free now!

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