How Does the Shaman Get Super Human Abilities?

We are truly living during very interesting times that present us with great opportunity.

We live in a world where anyone can claim to be anything, where anything goes and pretty much everything is instant and only a ‘google search’ away. 
You do not need to go too far to find a plethora of misinformation and a wide range of choices that promise ‘quick enlightenment’, ‘raise your kundalini in 15 minutes’ or ‘become a shaman in 2 hours’.


The path of the true shaman has never been ‘quick and easy’ or ‘instant’. For countless ages, the acquisition of shamanic power, wisdom and skills has always involved the undertaking and passing through a series of 24 shamanic rites of passage and initiations.

These rites of passage were designed to help the shaman to develop super human abilities, such as: 

  • journeying to the unseen realms
  • going into the past and into the future to retrieve information, wisdom or power 
  • removing malevolent spirits
  • closing psychic wounds
  • clearing stuck energies 
  • removing karmic debris 
  • helping stuck spirits to go ‘home’
  • bringing back lost or scattered aspects of the soul
  • ‘mysteriously’ healing themselves and other people
  • and much more

To develop these capacities the shaman has always worked in co-operation with the plant kingdom and they have done this by working with teacher plants. 


Today, a person can enter into relationship with teacher plant spirits and undertake the same 24 ancient rites of passage of the shaman to develop the 24 genuine shamanic capacities.

These 24 rites of passage are overlit by the 24 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic teacher plants No 97-120.

Before these teacher plant essences were created the spirit of each plant appeared to me in vision and let me know that it wanted to be made into a teacher plant essence.

It also showed to me exactly how it wanted to be worked with so that a person could access its full wisdom and power. 

Developing the 24 Genuine Capacities of a True Shaman 

In our 2-year Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© shamanic apprenticeship program, an apprentice shaman follows a proven shamanic pathway. They move sequentially through a series of 24 shamanic rites of passage in order to acquire, develop and master the 24 genuine capacities of a true shaman.

When acquired, developed and mastered these 24 capacities enable the shaman to:

  • live as a spirit among other spirits
  • travel between the worlds to gain an insight into any situation
  • fearlessly overcome challenges
  • have discernment to know what is real and what is not
  • powerfully live their true destiny

Below are some of the shamanic skills that the teacher plant essences support our students to learn during the program:

May the Greater light illuminate your path as you travel on your journey of spiritual awakening.

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

Develop True Shamanic Power
Restore Order and Harmony in the World


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