How to Reconnect with Your Spirit-Self and Live Out Your Unique Spiritual Destiny


Humanity is in the grips of a mass disconnection from spirit. What does this mean?

The experience of our own spirituality is as unique to us as our fingerprint, yet most people feel disconnected from their own spiritual wisdom and power. The corporatisation of spirituality and belief has created a complexity that distances us from our ability to discern our true spiritual direction or path. As ever more influencers and gurus crowd the ‘marketplace’ vying for our attention, the gap widens between the practices we undertake and what we genuinely require to evolve through the lens of our own spirituality.


Many of us experience a feeling or belief that there is more to us and more to life than just the physical body we inhabit. We yearn to develop a sense of purpose and meaning that can’t be achieved through physical or ego fulfilment. The conflict between the ‘rational’ mind and the ‘intuitive’ one has created social and philosophical divisions. Prior to industrialisation, a deep and respectful connection to Mother Nature and natural forces was a key driver for survival. Living in close relationship to the cycles, forces and fluctuations of the natural world engendered a sense of awe, reverence and respect for the powers outside of ourselves that literally held human survival in its hands. 

The removal of people from this ancient, deeply embedded and natural condition of living with reverence for powerful and mostly invisible forces created an opportunity for division, rationality and pragmatism to dominate over connection, humility and acceptance. What was lost in that transition of priorities was our ability to connect to forces outside of ourselves and remember that we are connected to energy that exerts its influence whether we are aware of it or not. 


The ever increasing level of disconnection from spirit is now being felt by an ever increasing number of people in all areas of human life. Collectively, we are dis-integrating, dis-connecting and becoming more and more divided, lost and confused. It is imperative that the individual human ability to create, maintain and sustain connection to each other, to nature and to our own spirit-selves is restored and prioritised.

The desire is evident and the pathway is open to this occurring for each and every person who seeks to find themselves and to experience their life through a spiritual lens. This reorientation creates a whole new life story, a story where you live from a place of your own spiritual wisdom and power.

The proven pathway to facilitate the reorientation in the life that enables you to live through the intelligence and wisdom of the spirit can be accessed and walked in the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies. 

This 2-year online program is available for people from all walks of life who follow any belief system. It is suitable for men and women of all ages from anywhere on the planet from any background and is compatible with other practices, beliefs and health-systems. It is for those who are ready to reconnect with their spirit-self and live out their unique spiritual destiny.

The next Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© online program begins on the next New Moon.

Find out more and enrol here.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

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