I feel deeply blessed to have been on this journey 

“I have had a longstanding interest in ritual practice and a personal practice that I had cobbled together from various books. I had long sought a teaching system that could help me solidify and deepen my ritual practice. I found it here in the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program. 

I had a few limiting beliefs around my capacity to enrol in this program. Cost and time commitment being the two that made me hesitant. Having previously completed the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© and the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© programs I didn’t hesitate for long. I knew that the divine nature of the teachings available through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® was incomparably powerful. 

This journey through the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© has guided me through the sacred practice of conducting rituals helping me to form deep, lasting relationships with the cycles of life – both celestial and personal. 

The nature of this program prompted me to build into every day, time for my spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. This has created lasting change in the inner stillness that I experience and has allowed me to improve my business practice consequently. 

Initially fitting the program into my daily schedule that is already full of responsibilities to children, two jobs and volunteer work, seemed arduous but I soon realised that the benefits gained from applying myself daily to these teachings benefits everyone in my whanau, family. I am calmer, more focused, and better able to ask for help. 

I recommend these programmes to many of the clients I see and in fact, my tane, husband, participated in the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© at my suggestion. 

I now work with Eighth Ray magic rituals daily as an act of service and self-care. This practice keeps me centred, grounded, and connected to the divine feminine who takes care of all of us. 

I feel deeply blessed to have been on this journey and I know that all that I have gained from this will continue to benefit me, my whanau, family, and my clients for years to come.” 

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