I have healed parts of myself that I couldn’t previously reach

“I have studied with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® for many years and have always found the results to be life changing and empowering. So I knew that the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program would follow on as a higher octave from the previous programs I have done. 

Initially I had hesitancy in costs and level of availability in daily life to fit it in. I knew this program would require my full attention and briefly considered whether I would be up to the work required. I overcame these concerns quickly as I had a knowing that this program was what I was to do. Being an online program took away any travel costs. This training brought a structure to my day, week and month cycles, which I found very motivating to follow with structured time frames to keep me focused, disciplined and organised. 

The benefits of completing the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program have been profound. I am so much more connected to my Soul and my Centre. I have healed parts of myself that I couldn’t previously reach, my knowledge and insights of astrology and depth of information is now infused within and I have a stronger deeper connection to my relationship with personality, soul and spirit. 

I now can bring myself to my Centre immediately, stand neutral, know what that feels like to be operating from, which gives me guidance and answers from anywhere I am and for any situation requiring higher vision. 

I have learnt how to be in relationship with Soul. I have gained direction, connection, truth. I am mostly at ease with situations in daily life that occur and can bring myself back to a neutral centre so much quicker. I am hearing much clearer in my connection to Spirit which gives me a peace within knowing I am protected and guided perfectly, in Divine timing. 

This program has given me a sense of stability, and my income continues to flow freely as required. I have gained greater levels of trust.” 

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