Increasing the Flow of Spirit in the Life

In our lightworker’s program, Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moon©,  students work with three special families of high frequency master teacher plant essences that facilitate spiritual transformation, spiritual transmutation and spiritual transcendence. They enable the student to experience a rapid energetic upgrade and a quantum leap in consciousness.

One of these families is the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchid essences No’s 121-128.


The eight First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchid essences are the elixirs of spiritual transformation.

Made from very ancient plants, that grow only in New Zealand, these orchid essences are of a unique and sacred order.

These orchid essences are elixirs of stellar light that hold the divine eight-fold energies of cosmic consciousness. They are a natural and vital vibrational support for the new wave of highly sensitive children and souls often known as indigo, crystal or star children who are appearing on the planet in ever greater numbers.

These orchid essences are spiritual food for the children of the Sun, the lightworkers, rainbow warriors of peace and the water bearers of the world. They offer support for all those who have come in to work at a higher level and to help dream a new world into being.


The eight First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchid essences attune the individual chakras to help facilitate safe access to the new energetic frequencies coming into the planet at this time.

They increase the flow of spirit in the life by re-vivifying the individual chakras to their full cosmic function. They hold the sacred vibrations of cosmic consciousness and direct and control the Kundalini, the sacred serpent power to provide a safe accessible spiritual pathway to enlightenment.

They gently open the inner seals of the chakras to enable higher frequency energies in the form of spiritualising and purifying stellar light to flow into the being so the holistic being can move to higher levels of expression.


No 121 Forest Orchid – Base Chakra and the sacredness of one’s physical body

No 121 Forest Orchid anchors stellar light into the Base Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Base Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s physical body and dimension.

No 122 Fairy Bouquet Orchid, Sacral Chakra and the sacredness of one’s senses and emotions

No 122 Fairy Bouquet Orchid anchors stellar light into the Sacral Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Sacral Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s sense and emotional dimension.

No 123 Spring Orchid, Solar Plexus Chakra and the sacredness of one’s uniqueness

No 123 Fairy Spring Orchid anchors stellar light into the Solar Plexus Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Solar Plexus Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s uniqueness.

No 124 Fairy Sceptre Orchid, Heart Chakra and the sacredness of one’s kinship ties

No 124 Fairy Sceptre Orchid anchors stellar light into the Heart Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Heart Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s kinship ties and extended family.

No 125 Elfshood Orchid, Etheric Heart Chakra and sacredness of one’s own spirit

No 125 Elfshood Orchid anchors stellar light into the Etheric Heart Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Etheric Heart Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s own spirit and one’s spiritual dimension.

No 126 Tree of Life Orchid, Throat Chakra and the sacredness of one’s own life force

No 126 Tree of Life Orchid anchors stellar light into the Throat Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Throat Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s own life force.

No 127 Sun Orchid, Third Eye Chakra and the sacredness of one’s own spiritual inheritance

No 127 Sun Orchid anchors stellar light into the Third Eye Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Third Eye Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s own spiritual inheritance.

No 128 Horned Orchid, Crown Chakra and the sacredness of one’s own wholeness

No 128 Horned Orchid anchors stellar light into the Crown Chakra. It re-vivifies, upgrades and aligns the Crown Chakra bringing it into energetic alignment with the higher vibrational resonance of Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled humans, the ‘star’ children. It facilitates the awareness of the sacredness of one’s own wholeness.


When you enrol in our lightworkers program, Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons©, you will be working with the remarkable family of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchid essences. 

In this program you will be entering into a sacred relationship with these eight orchid essences to enable you to upgrade and re-vivify your chakra with stellar light. You will be raising your vibration and creating sacred connection to the eight aspects of your being.

As a result you will be able to experience a rapid energetic upgrade and enhance your ability to receive higher levels of spiritual insight and guidance to help you move forward in your life and follow your unique destiny.

The Next Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© online program begins on New Moon – learn more and enrol here.

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons©


Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© available exclusively through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® is the original ancient lustral self-purification and self-transformation process. It is the most sophisticated energetic cleansing and purification process of its kind. The focus of this 28-week program is to facilitate a quantum upgrading of the power of the lightworker.

You will be taken on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation that will guide you to experience rapid and profound shifts in consciousness. As each stage of the journey is passed, your capacity to hold, link into and express ever-greater levels of light is increased.


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