It helped me to really trust myself

“I had been interested in shamanic studies for a while and I was searching so many places to find one that resonated. I finally came across the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® and felt called to start with the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program. 

I felt super aligned with everything I saw on the website and the program felt perfect, but I had a concern if the program was really what it seemed. And the other thing I was worried about was if it would really be something that I could learn from. I meditated and asked the questions that were on my mind and I felt very clear.

Before undertaking this program, I had a lot of fears around what my strengths and gifts were metaphysically and what would happen if I opened to them. Now I feel much more confident and excited and naturally just tuned in.

I was able to see a lot of parts of me that I was hiding from and also different areas of my life where I was still holding onto things. The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers teacher plants that I was working with during this program were an incredible blessing for me. I feel more vibrant and I literally look younger. My relationships are more fulfilling.

One challenge I had during the program was feeling like I was not doing it right and I kept questioning myself. Then I just realized that there was no perfect way to do things and to just tune in and feel into the energy. Then I felt like it was more easeful because I was trusting that how I was doing things was perfect for me. 

I am so grateful and feel so blessed that I was able to be part of this program. It helped me to see deeper parts of myself and to really trust myself.”

Amber Toner
Relationship and Connection Coach, USA
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