It works on a very deep level

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© is a truly unique program. I am so glad that I discovered it. It works on a very deep level. 

This program completely deepened my awareness of how much healing is needed on this planet. The planetary transformation work we do in this program is incredible, and I believe it brings results. Personally, my life feels more magical and more connected. 

Before I enrolled the cost and time commitment were my main concerns. It took me a while to enrol and the cost was easier to manage because my household finances improved. The time commitment can still present a challenge but I do the work in earnest and try my best. So far I have always managed to succeed and complete what I have signed up for and do my best. 

I undertook the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© during Covid, so my entire experience of leaving the clinic I was working in, and graduating from my Master’s program and passing ALL my (6) board exams was all during this program. 

I had challenges getting through some months with my teacher plants, but the whole time I realized that they were with me, leading the way. 

The ending of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© healer’s rites of passage corresponded with a dramatic improvement in my health and wellness. I had found a new therapy to help me with my back pain. I was for a long time completely blocked from getting relief from pain in a real and sustainable way. 

The end of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program also corresponded with big movements in terms of feeling like I can take a step forward with my passions in life. 

Also my relationships are much richer, and I have healed a very important relationship during this program. 

By the end of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program I found myself being able to reflect deeper. I returned to balance and equilibrium. I experienced a lot of resolution in many areas of my life with family relationships and etc. 

I now want to do the 2-year Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program.” 

Kaitelyn Hammond
Licensed Acupuncturist, San Diego, USA
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