Play Your Important Role in Restoring Order in the World

As our physical world becomes increasingly more chaotic, uncertain and disorderly, there is an ever greater need for the souls who are called to walk the shamanic path. 
These are the special group of souls who are called to walk the path of serviceto do the sacred work of restoring order in the world.

The shaman’s sacred work of restoring order in the world is first and foremost the sacred work of restoring order in their own consciousness and in their own world. 
A true shaman is well aware of the reality that is ‘as within so without’ and that the shaman’s consciousness is inseparably part of the whole, therefore by undertaking work on themselves, the shaman can play their vital role in creating order in the world. The principle being, if you change yourself, you change the world. 


By sequentially undertaking and successfully passing through 24 ancient rites of passage, the shaman can develop the 24 inner shamanic capacities and disciplines that gradually unlock and release the full power of the shaman within them.

The steps for the work that the shaman needs to undertake on themselves are laid out in the shamanic pathway Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies®.

This pathway contains the 24 rites of passage and initiations of the shaman, that enable the shaman to step by step face and overcome their own fears, immaturities and lack of individuation, creating greater degrees of order in their own consciousness.


As the shaman succeeds in clearing away the dross from their consciousnessthey are enabling more light to shine into their being. 

Light is order inducing.

The more light the shaman allows to enter into their consciousness, the more ordered, or spiritually actualised, they become as a being. 
The shaman who has successfully passed through the 24 rites of passage of the shaman and mastered the 24 inner capacities and disciplines of the shaman becomes more light-filled and order-inducing in their influence. 


Bringing light and restoring order wherever they go is the shaman’s sacred service to the world.

By just being present, a true shaman can change the energy in a room and uplift the state of the people in that room. People walk away feeling a little bit better, a little bit lighter and a little bit brighter. They do not know why. The shaman does not need to tell them why.

Hundreds of our students who have completed the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies® program are bringing light into their homes, their local communities, corporate organisations, schools, health and wellness companies and everywhere they go.

You too can learn the skills to do this. 


If at some level of your being, you feel drawn to the shamanic path, the path of service, I invite you to enrol into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies® program this New Moon.

In this program you will be working with special allies from nature to help you undertake the 24 rites of passage and initiations of the shaman to develop the 24 inner capacities and disciplines of the shaman.

These allies from nature are the 24 highly esteemed shamanic teacher plant essences from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range – an award winning vibrational medicine system.

These 24 shamanic teacher plant essences have stepped forward to be your wise elders, guides and initiators on the sacred pathway of the shaman.

Next intake starts on the New Moon

Learn more and enrol>>

Have questions or want to talk to us about a payment plan?

If you have any questions about this program or want to talk to our team about a payment plan, please email us at [email protected]

As always, I look forward to metaphysically walking this journey with you.

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®


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