Sacred Mountain Grass Master Teacher Plant Essences

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Sacred Mountain Grass Essences No's 137-144
Alchemical Elixirs of Spiritual Transcendence - Blessings on the Wind

The word ‘transcendence’ means to climb, go beyond, move up or rise beyond the limitations of the physical world.

The master teacher plant essences in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Sacred Mountain Grass Collection are Alchemical Elixirs of Spiritual Transcendence, known as ‘Blessings on the Wind’.

Energetically Upgrade DNA with Stellar Light

These master teacher plant essences are a specialist range of essences made from eight New Zealand native mountain grasses. Each of these grasses is associated with a sacred mountain.

The master teacher plant essences in the Sacred Mountain Grass Collection are an invitation for stellar light to come into the DNA and energetically upgrade it. These master teacher plant essences anchor stellar light into the respective layers of DNA and form a central component of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© and Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© online programs available to people around the world.

Activate Primordial Light Codes of Power

Receive and transmit blessings on the wind and make connections with the energetic matrix of the eight directions and beyond. Activation of primordial light codes of power through energetic purification of DNA allow deep understanding of the sacredness of all life and enhance the capacity to actively participate in the restoration of harmony to all life forms.

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