Shamanic Teacher Plant Essences

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Shamanic Essences No's 97-120
Treat the Cause - Heal the Spirit

The powerful family of shamanic teacher plant essences is the modern-day ally for the 21st century healer-shaman. These teacher plants are of a particular high order and potency and are an invaluable tool for the healer-shaman.

The Age-old Green Language of Nature
These teacher plants help us by sharing their great wisdom and make available for the first time in the modern age the 24 sacred rites of passage of the shaman to all who walk this path of spiritual maturation and magical power. They invite us to enter into sacred relationship with plant intelligence and re-remember the age-old green language of nature.
Restoring Harmony

These shamanic teacher plant essences are ideal for all those in the healing and helping professions who wish to move deeper, beyond the surface and take healing and recovery to a whole new level. They are a central component of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© online program available to people from around the world and are invaluable for those on the shamanic path wishing to support and bring greater understanding to their own experiences. These shamanic teacher plant essences enable you to emerge more powerful and capable of assisting others to restore harmony in their own lives.

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