First Light® Talisman of Power Blend©

Connect to the Magical Power of Your Name


Your name spelt in flowers

When you energetically activate the potent magical power contained in your name, your name becomes your personal talisman of power. Once you start working with your First Light® Talisman of Power Blend©, you will find that you become more empowered from within.

Magical talismans have been used in all cultures since the dawn of time to capture powerful forces to confer on a person supernatural power. In the ancient times, much importance has been given to choosing a person’s name because a person’s name contains special magical powers.

Personalised – Powerful – Special

Every flower holds a particular energetic frequency. Your First Light® Talisman of Power Blend© is made with individual flower essences containing vibrational frequencies that resonate with the letters that form your name. When you take your personalised First Light® Talisman of Power Blend© you are working with specialised uplifting and empowering vibrations and energies from nature to magically release the hidden powers contained within your name.

As you become more connected to your true self and to the power that lies within your soul, you will find that continuing to work with your First Light® Talisman of Power Blend© strengthens and deepens that connection.

The creation of your First Light® Your Talisman of Power Blend©

Enter your details below and your personalised First Light® Talisman of Power Blend© will be calculated for you. Your First Light® Talisman of Power Blend© will be made from the specially selected award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® that contain the finest vibrations of unique New Zealand native plants to help you connect to the magical power of your name.

To order your blend, click Add to Cart.


Availability: In stock

Made in New Zealand

25ml oral dropper bottle


Place 2-4 drops under the tongue 3-4 times a day. Your Talisman of Power Potion© can be taken more frequently if required, and for as long as desired.

Use within 6-8 weeks of ordering. One 25ml bottle will last up to one month.

It can take up to two lunar months to establish energetic alignments and changes at a magical and spiritual level.

We recommend you purchase two 25ml bottles.

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