Sit in My Medicine Circle – Receive Shamanic Wisdom

In my role as High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School®, one of my responsibilities is to disseminate the sacred teachings associated with my lineage. 

These lineage teachings consist of 12 sacred strands of knowledge that come down this line since the beginning of time. They include the secrets of shamanism, healing, ritual, alchemy and magick. In the 21st century these teachings can be disseminated in person or online.

Being Plugged Into High Frequency Matrix of Light

The power of sitting in a sacred medicine circle in the presence of a powerful master shaman, is as valid today as it was hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The benefit of being linked, orplugged, into a high frequency matrix of light enables huge shifts in consciousness to occur in a relatively short period of time

A Healing Circle of Light – An Unforgettable Experience

This matrix of light holds the sacred mystery teachings of the past, present and future. It is a healing circle of light. 

Sitting in such shamanic medicine circle can be a truly unforgettable experience.

Many hundreds of individuals have sat with me in the House of the Bee Mystery School® medicine circle during the Medicine Woman Retreats, Workshops  and Annual Gatherings that I ran at the Tauhara Retreat Centre for 13 consecutive years, and have had truly life-changing experiences.

Something Magickal Is Taking Place 

Souls who have a degree of metaphysical sensitivity say they can feel, know, or sense at some level of their being that something magical is taking place, when they sit and participate in these House of the Bee Mystery School® medicine circles. 
At a practical metaphysical level, the responsibility of holding a medicine circle of this type includes the consciousness of the master shaman working to purify, cleanse, clear and uplift the consciousness of each soul who is called to make this sacred rendezvous.

Far Reaching Spiritual and Magickal Benefits

Sitting in this kind of medicine circle has far reaching spiritual and magickal benefits for each individual.

I know the House of the Bee Mystery School® medicine circle uplifts and exalts the soul and spirit of each person who attends.

Feels Like Coming Home

Over the years, I have heard my students say:

“I feel like I have come home” 

And that’s exactly right. 

When the soul that has spent many years, and often many lifetimes, in search and longing, finds its place of belonging, it feels like coming home.

When the soul comes back to itself, it feels like coming home. 

When the soul finally finds members of its soul family, who are people on the same vibrational frequency, it feels like coming home.

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

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