The Healing Hive and a Healing ‘Hum’

Did you know that in our Medicine Woman school, you have a unique opportunity to be part of the Healing Hive? 
The Healing Hive is a specially dedicated sacred space in our online school where each student can participate in and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’
From an esoteric point of view, the Healing Hive is a matrix of light that powerfully interweaves and connects each student in the Medicine Woman community.

The magical  power that pulsates through the Healing Hive supports and uplifts each individual soul within it as an important, and integral member of the family and community of souls who stand together, with the powers of light, to create a better world.
The Healing Hive has a dual focus or two main healing objectives: 

  • asking for and receiving personal healing or healing for another
  • playing an active and dynamic role in planetary healing and transformation


In this special space, students can request healing for themselves or others. They can also  send healing vibrations to those who need them. 

It always brings me great joy to read comments from students who share their personal healing experiences and those of others who have been placed in The Healing Hive and who have experienced the uplifting power of the ‘Healing Hum’.


Each student has an opportunity to intelligently and purposefully take part in the sacred work of actively standing for and working with the powers of light to create a positive change in the world. 

Every lunar month in The Healing Hive I set a specific healing focus for the monthly planetary transformation initiative. 
To give you a little glimpse into our work, during this lunar month, with the Aries New Moon that started on 22nd March 2023, we have been working to send these pulses of light:

‘Send forth the light of spirit to places of violence in the world
where people’s lives are torn and ripped.
Pour cooling waters on the heated anger and aggression
that fuels the war and conflict.
Strengthen the minds of the innovators and pioneers
who blaze new paths of understanding and wisdom.
Fill their hearts with a clear sense of purpose as they dare
to step forth and accomplish their vision.
Invigorate and sustain the enthusiasm
of the Medicine Woman travellers.
May their inner fire burn brightly and
they be at peace with all that occurs.
From the House of the Bee and
the sacred heart of the Mother
My heart beat is your heart beat – 
we are one with each other.’

I deeply honour each soul who has heard the call to become part of the Medicine Woman community and walk the sacred path of personal healing and planetary transformation.

Light in Extension,

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

Medicine Woman Programs Start on New Moon

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