The Proven Pathway to Spiritual Enlightenment


In ancient times, an aspiring spiritual seeker had to climb high mountains, cross raging rivers, navigate through dense thick forests and face numerous life threatening situations in order to have access to higher knowledge. Those who followed their spiritual calling eventually, often after very many years, were able to find their way to the doorway into a mystery school, a temple or enter into the presence of a true and genuine spiritual teacher.


At this point a spiritual aspirant would undergo multiple tests set out by a spiritual teacher or order they had entered into, which were designed to challenge and test the resolve of the student’s consciousness and ascertain their commitment to the spiritual path.

If the aspirant was able to pass through the tests, they would embark on a very long and very arduous journey of self-discipline, soul development and skill acquisition under the guidance of a spiritual teacher.

An aspirant would undertake a long series of rites of passage designed to gradually eliminate the dross from their consciousness and to gradually turn homo sapiens, natural human into homo spiritualis, spiritual human and ultimately into the perfected human homo deus, the god man or god woman.

This journey was very long and slow.


In the Aquarian Age, the age of vibration, each person can totally control the speed of their own spiritual progress and achieve something that has never been possible before. What used to take 50, 100 or 1000 lifetimes can now be achieved in a single lifetime!

It is no longer necessary for a spiritual apprentice to go through the ardious journey of life-threatening situations. The original spiritual rites of passage and initiations have been fully recontextualised for the modern day and made available for all who wish to walk the the ancient high road to oneness, self mastery and enlightenment.

In today’s world, a phenomenal opportunity exists for each one of us to access magical and spiritual power and make rapid spiritual progress. The secret mystery teachings of how to do this and the means for doing it can be accessed through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® online school, the true Aquarian Age mystery school, who is the sole custodian of the lineage teachings of the House of the Bee, the most ancient mystery school on the planet.


Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® provides a proven spiritual and evolutionary pathway with a sequential series of ancient rites of passage and self-initiations that enable a person to experience and acquire exponentially higher states of consciousness at a speed that is more rapid than ever before. These rites of passage and initiations are undertaken under the guidance of highly esteemed teacher plants from the ancient forests of New Zealand, also known as Aotearoa – the land of the ever-shining light.

I invite you to set foot on the ancient path and experience for yourself these fully recontextualised rites of passage through the Medicine Woman online programs. This is a journey of  a lifetime where you will ally with the intelligence of nature and the unconquerable magic of light to experience profound transformation and rapid spiritual growth that is impossible through any other practice. You will gain access to the original secret mystery teachings of the Goddess, which hold the occult and esoteric wisdom teachings on the pathway to true spiritual enlightenment.

Choose your program here and begin your life-transforming journey now!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Light in Extension

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

All Medicine Woman programs begin on the next New Moon. 
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