What It Means to Study in a True Mystery School


Traditionally those who set foot on the healing, shamanic, magical and spiritual pathways were required to go through a series of initiatory experiences or rites of passage. In the past these initiations were often very physical in nature, in some cases even life-threatening. They were designed to facilitate the development of soul strength and enable the soul to access spiritual power and acquire greater soul capacity.

Each initiatory experience was designed to incrementally destroy the false ego in order to enable the person to develop and acquire enhanced healing, shamanic, magical and spiritual capacities and to enable increased levels of high frequency or ‘high tension’ power to flow in and through the being without any impediment or deflection. And for the ultimate objective of re-establishing one’s relationship with one’s soul, spirit or true self.


An apprentice who has set their feet on the path is always confronted very early on in the journey with an initial deliberately introduced situation or a variety of situations that created or applied pressure in their consciousness at all levels of their psyche. This initial challenge was designed to move an apprentice out of their comfort zone in order to quickly establish whether they had the required necessary inner fortitude to continue on and undertake the journey into the deeper mysteries.

It was always expected that there would be a considerable number of individuals who would not be able to move through and get past the initial challenge or challenges.
For thousands of years, this necessary process of bringing about the death of the false ego was at the heart of the traditional teaching methods for those on the healing, shamanic, magical and spiritual pathways. It is still as relevant today as it has always been.


In the age we now live in, it is no longer necessary for a spiritual apprentice to be confronted with life-threatening situations. In today’s world, magical and spiritual power can be accessed and evolutionary progress can be made by those who undertake the original rites of passage that have now been fully recontextualised for 21st century living. This helps an apprentice who sets their feet on the path of return to be able to deliberately face and overcome everyday challenges that impede their spiritual progress.

The fully recontextualised rites of passage and the original ancient teachings are exclusively available through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®programs. The Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® is the sole custodian of the ancient mystery teachings of the House of the Bee, the most ancient mystery school on the planet. These are the original secret mystery teachings of the Goddess, which hold the occult and esoteric teachings as to how the universe was made and functions and of the true nature and destiny of humanity.

The Medicine Woman programs are the fully recontextualised expression of the old or the ancient way that is the timeless and ageless path of return. The path of return is the path back to our home in the stars as well as the path back to oneness and self-mastery. It is the path to enlightenment, self-actualisation and self-healing. It is the path back to the full realisation, expression and embodiment of our divine nature.

When you embark on one of the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®programs, you can experience the truly remarkable transformation that is only possible through entering into a true mystery school.

The next Medicine Woman online programs begin on the New Moon. 

I look forward to seeing you there!

Light in Extension, 

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder and Spiritual Director of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®

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